All Analysis articles – Page 8
Roundtable debate: has London lost its grip?
Regional hubs are challenging London’s traditional place at the centre of the reinsurance universe
Reinsurance will stand up to Irma – JLT Re
While comparisons to Hurricane Andrew were made, JLT Re executives believe the industry will react better this time
India on the horizon
With its growing economy, huge agricultural sector and welcoming government, the worlds second-most populous country offers tremendous opportunities to reinsurers
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Ogden Rate - a negative outcome
Stung by a change to the personal injury discount rate, UK insurers warn consumers will soon have to shoulder the costs
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A closer look at water scarcity
Why water scarcity is the most ominous weather risk today
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Trump budget could prove detrimental to crop insurance, AM Best says
Trump budget would cut crop insurance subsidies and could cap participation, according to Best’s News Service
Insurers must digitalise to meet buyers’ needs, says Greenberg
Speaking at the Marsh & McLennan Companies Young Professionals’ Global Forum 2017, Chubb chairman and chief executive Evan Greenberg explains why the need to digitise is paramount
US flood insurance: Changing Tides
A review of the US flood insurance programme will create opportunities for reinsurers
Complying with the EU data protection regulation
New EU data protection regulation will apply in less than a year, but many companies are not yet ready
Rise of ransomware – what is it and how do we tackle it
A closer look at the rise of ransomware, we ask what is it, how do we tackle it and what does this global attack mean for our industry
Pool Re and NTI put spotlight on radiological ‘dirty bomb’ threat to property
Radiological ‘dirty bomb’ by terrorist groups could cause extensive property claims
Opinion: Insurance during an industrial revolution
How his grandfather felt as the world changed around him draws parallels to the dissonance felt in the industry today due to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, says Xceedance region head - EMEA Justin Davies
Reinsurer investment strategies and Solvency II
How is Solvency II impacting the choices of the reinsurance company asset managers?
EU-US Insurance Agreement: what it means to reinsurance
The affects of removing transatlantic collateral requirements
GCC pushing for privatisation – talent may be an issue
(Re)insurers need to upskill to earn potential premiums
DWIC: Plenty to be optimistic about in MENA region - Giles Ward
Chubb’s regional president shares report card on industry in DWIC regional keynote
DWIC: Insurance sector is “sleepwalking” into new world – Lloyd’s Inga Beale, DBE
Rise of new economies and technology are key factors shaping the insurance industry
Opinion: How Bermuda turns uncertainty into opportunity
Bermuda can weather the tide of political uncertainty that the last six months has thrown up, says Chris Garrod, partner in the Bermuda office of law firm Conyers Dill and Pearman
Opinion: what does Blockchain really mean to reinsurance?
eReinsure chief executive Igor Best-Devereux talks about turning a buzzword into a reality