All ART articles – Page 16
Global Matters
What's in a sidecar?
Sidecars are once again becoming a popular means of increasing reinsurance capacity.
GR Focus
One flu over the Cuckoo's Nest
With growing concern over bird flu, Andrew Tunnicliffe considers how alternative risk transfer could provide a solution to this pandemic risk
GR Focus
Carry on Captives
The captive industry may be mature but its boom is far from over, finds Ronald Gift Mullins
Industry Matters
What next for cat bonds?
2005 was a big year for catastrophe bonds but is this set to continue? asks Christopher McGhee.
Global Matters
A selective approach
Existing outside the EU, how will the Reinsurance Directive impact on the Isle of Man's captive market?
GR Focus
Is it all up front?
There are plenty of mixed messages coming from the captive fronting market Is it beginning to settle down or are the number of insurers willing to offer fronting decreasing? asks Phil Zinkewicz.
Cover Story
Reinsurance in the balance
As the 2005 financial results slowly reveal the balance sheet impact of the 2005 storms, Nigel Allen considers the appeal of the reinsurance sector from a client perspective
Coming of age
Can small to medium-sized players take advantage of the life securitisation market? asks Scott Willkomm
GR Focus
A Slow Start
At the end of 2005 it was widely believed the ART sector would see renewed interest in response to the renewal rate hikes Ronald Gift Mullins explains why this isn't happening.
Size Matters
Swiss Re's decision to buy GE Insurance Solutions will elevate it further in the size-is-king reinsurance stakes, learns Helen Yates
GR Focus
Taking Finite too far
Despite all the bad press finite reinsurance remains an integral part of the insurance industry, insists Nigel Allen
Risky retention
A lack of common regulation for risk retention groups could put insureds at risk, warn Sonja Bensen and Lawrence Cluff