All Catastrophe articles – Page 110
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Under-whelming response
Some US companies have been slow to take advantage of the terrorism coverage that is now available to them, says Ronald Gift Mullins.
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Floods and fortunes
Monika Gruber argues that government backstops for flood damage are artificially dulling risk adversity and unfairly distributing the costs of irresponsible construction across taxpayers.
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Fatal saturation
Fifty years ago, the North Sea flooded, bringing widespread physical devastation and massive loss of life in the the UK and the Netherlands. Ceri Wild looks at how it happened and examines the defensive moves made in its wake.
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Flood of the millennium
Jane Toothill looks at the August 2002 flooding in central Europe.
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Different Storms
As the renewal season proceeds for p/c businesses, and other insurers reflect on this year's results, Tony Maximchuk considers the challenges and opportunities facing insurance companies as they assess potential investment returns in 2003.
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Model behaviour
Techniques for predicting the behaviour of natural events, and the losses that they can cause, have developed into a fine science. Markus Aichinger looks at the use of catastrophe models in setting prices for tropical cyclone exposures.
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Price that's Paid
Gordon Feller looks at how the terrorism threat has affected the US industry.
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Hard and fast
This year has seen a definitive hardening in rates for catastrophe property covers, according to a report from reinsurance broker Guy Carpenter.
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Water, water everywhere
Dermott White reports on the substantial losses arising from the August floods, which enveloped large swathes of central Europe.
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Quantifying terrorism risk
Terrorism modeling is in its infancy, but growing quickly, says Richard Clinton.
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Summer flooding happened so fast
Just as this issue of Global Reinsurance was going to press, the heavens opened above central Europe causing widespread flooding in several countries. Dr Claire Souch assessed the damage and exposure as at 20 August.
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Working on the cat exposures
Last September's attacks in the US shed a new light on catastrophic workers' compensation exposures.
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Adding it up, one year on
Global Reinsurance has revisited the WTC-related losses one year after the market's largest catastrophe to date.
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Tunnel Vision
Road tunnel fires are relatively rare but potentially catastrophic. Bill Welburn and Xavier de Nettancourt describe the safeguards that have been incorporated in the design of a new 2.3km tunnel in the middle of Cairo.
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Market On The Move
A discussion of index-based natural catastrophe protections by Jean-Paul Conoscente, Jean-Yves Nouy, Christophe Gaudron and Emmanuel Dubreuil.
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High Rise Risk
Two major events have caused us to question the risks for major high-rise buildings. Structural engineers John Meyer and Ronald Hamburger explain.