All Catastrophe articles – Page 112
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Market under reform
Record capacity for the 2002 year of account is going to be countered with yet another year in which Lloyd's reports large losses. Valerie Denney looks at the shape of the market and the current reforms under consideration.
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New trends in reinsurance wordings and exclusions
Following recent incidents of war and terrorism, Hermes Marangos asks how re/insurers can provide cover for politically motivated acts?
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Seeking A New Way
Phil Zinkewicz assesses whether the current changes in the reinsurance market are pushing buyers towards alternative forms of risk capital, particularly for terrorism cover.
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Getting the price right
Stephen Jewson, Anders Brix and Christine Ziehmann discuss the relative merits of current weather derivative pricing techniques and speculate on how weather contracts might be priced in the future.
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Banking on weather
Banks are playing an important role in the development of the European weather derivatives market. Valerie Denney reports.
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Pooling resources
High levels of terrorist activity on the UK mainland in the early 1990s led to a wholesale withdrawal of terrorism coverage for property business, and the formation of Pool Re.
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A measured response
How Lloyd's is dealing with the aftermath of the US terrorist attacks.
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Losses mount
Early estimates of around $10bn insured loss from the WTC and related events look naive in hindsight.
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Shifting landscapes
Michael Skay considers the possible changes to the re/insurance sector following the events of 11 September.
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Catastrophic year
The property/casualty insurance industry looks set for its worst underwriting result ever for the 2001 account.
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Cat bond resurgence
Are the toughening market and huge loss exposures stimulating interest in catastrophe bonds?
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New approach to risk modelling: Turkish Catastrophe Management System (TCMS)
The winning paper in the Lumina Awards ‘risk modelling' category, by Oliver Peterken, Nigel Davis, Matthew Foote, Karl Jones and Shigeko Tabuchi outlines Turkey's national catastrophe risk management system.
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Terrorism takes a turn
Latin America has a reputation as a continent dogged by political risk exposures. But the profile has changed since the beginning of September.
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Global repercussions
The events on 11 September hit at the heart of the re/insurance industry, both in terms of people lost and as the largest catastrophe ever.