All Catastrophe articles – Page 46
Online only
Eqecat: Models unaffected by benign season
"If you average it out, the probability is still low but it's there. It's a very real probability but probably not something you want to go to Vegas with."
Online only
Rates to soften in 2007 says O'Kane
Aspen CEO Chris O'Kane predicts rates will decline on certain lines in 2007
Cover Story
The importance of going public
A month ago it might have seemed ludicrous to speculate about when the Class of 2005 would go public. But with Flagstone's IPO bid and others rumoured to be seeding the pipeline, this group of start-ups is bucking the trend, discovers Helen Yates.
Global Matters
Terror pool fund injection
India's terrorism backstop is seeking a substantial increase in funding to deal with increased threat levels.
Global Matters
Flooding the market
A new report confirms that Europe is as vulnerable to a major insured loss as areas such as the Gulf of Mexico.