All Catastrophe articles – Page 48
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Benfield: Earthquakes major threat to China
Rapid urbanisation and building construction have increased the exposure of people and property to earthquake threat in China resulting in an urgent need to evaluate hazard and vulnerability and to build a comprehensive picture of seismic risk across the nation, according to a new report for the Benfield UCL Hazard ...
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Swiss Re: Insurers face major change
Insurance industry is on the brink of a major change
Global Matters
The trouble with TRIA
A new GAO report finds TRIA severely lacking in the face of potential mega-events.
GR Focus
Terror still reigning
The evolving nature of terrorism presents constant challenges for insurers looking to provide adequate coverage in an expanding market. Stephen Ashwell offers an update on terrorism risk today.
Investment Analysis
Opportunity knocks
With the 2004 and 2005 storm seasons clearly etched in their minds, some investors are overreacting every time the wind blows and missing an opportunity, explains Lindsey Rogerson.