All Catastrophe articles – Page 62
Service will be resumed
In the aftermath of the US hurricanes, business interruption has become a topical issue, but it is often misunderstood Ling Ong, Catherine Rawlin and James Stanbury consider some of the legal and practical accounting issues arising after a major catastrophe.
A good hand
Despite a year of record losses, ACE not only made a profit in 2005 but kept its combined ratio under 100%. Nigel Allen finds out how.
Editor's Note
Editor's note - Are we learning from the past?
Has the re/insurance industry really learned anything from past catastrophic events?
Global Matters
Insuring cat-prone China
China must dramatically increase its natural catastrophe cover.
Cover Story
Studying catastrophes
According to Swiss Re the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake was a "milestone in insurance history" Helen Yates asks some leading industry figures what we have learned on the 100th anniversary of this catastrophe.