All Company articles – Page 104
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Willis: Florida concerns unfounded at renewals
Concerns that "Florida Re" could impact non-US catastrophe prices have proven unfounded at 1 April, says Willis Re
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Zurich AGM approves dividend
The Zurich Financial Services AGM has approved a gross dividend of CHF11 per registered share
GR Focus
Muddy waters
British government authorities are in the process of changing the taxation situation of UK-owned captives to plug up some holes in current tax law. Stacy Shapiro reports.
Investment Analysis
Show me the money
Will shareholders expect reinsurers to sustain the good times? With softening rates and new Florida laws, the opportunities aren't what they were in 2006. So is this when tax becomes important? asks Lindsey Rogerson.
Managing reserves
Reserving remains more of an art than a science for most primary insurers, and getting it wrong has been a common occurrence in recent history. Bev FitzGerald suggests a claims-based solution.
Survival of the fittest
During the last few years, the practices of both life insurers and reinsurers have undergone some dramatic changes, the most significant of which is consolidation. Alan Levin and Socheth Sor assess the impact.
Is the reserving crisis over?
After years of accusing reinsurers of under-reserving, rating agencies appear to have given the industry the "all clear". Ronald Gift Mullins reports.
GR Focus
Solitary Confinement
Protected, or segregated, cell captives began life in the 1990s. Phil Zinkewicz describes the evolution of this popular solution for undesirable risks.