All Editorial articles – Page 191
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Saudi Re prepares for IPO
Saudi Re has appointed the Saudi Hollandi Bank as its financial advisor for its initial public offering (IPO
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Converium completes agricultural programme in Brazil
Converium has completed an agricultural insurance programme in the opening Brazilian reinsurance market
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Run-off decision hits Quanta Q3 results
The company had a negative $6.7m in gross premiums
Global Matters
The trouble with TRIA
A new GAO report finds TRIA severely lacking in the face of potential mega-events.
GR Focus
Terror still reigning
The evolving nature of terrorism presents constant challenges for insurers looking to provide adequate coverage in an expanding market. Stephen Ashwell offers an update on terrorism risk today.
Investment Analysis
Opportunity knocks
With the 2004 and 2005 storm seasons clearly etched in their minds, some investors are overreacting every time the wind blows and missing an opportunity, explains Lindsey Rogerson.
Leaving its mark
The Financial Services Authority has taken a firm hand with the insurance industry since the publication of the Strachan report. Ali Sallaway and Christopher Robinson look at some of its recent decisions.
Industry Matters
Insuring the uninsurable
New developments in urban flood risk modelling could help risk managers underwrite in previously “at risk” areas, explains Dr Justin Butler.