All Editorial articles – Page 198
Cover Story
The modern broker
Ronald Gift Mullins conducts a thorough examination of the current state of health of the broking community
Industry Matters
Survey reveals broker frustration
Mark Grice considers the findings of a recent UK broker survey.
Bringing standards back to life
Like many other areas of commerce, the life reinsurance sector has resisted the use of standard business processes and electronic information exchange This is all about to change, explains Lloyd Chumbley.
Industry Matters
Avian flu is Life threatening
The life market would bear the brunt of losses from an avian flu pandemic, says Lauren Kalinowski.
GR Focus
Automatic for the market
Getting the best use out of technology has at times felt like an enigma at Lloyd's But with managing agents group, the G6, taking a new approach, could real change be on the horizon? asks Helen Yates.
Global Matters
What's in a sidecar?
Sidecars are once again becoming a popular means of increasing reinsurance capacity.
Service will be resumed
In the aftermath of the US hurricanes, business interruption has become a topical issue, but it is often misunderstood Ling Ong, Catherine Rawlin and James Stanbury consider some of the legal and practical accounting issues arising after a major catastrophe.
Industry Matters
Putting the record straight
The satellite insurance industry has to date offered non-specific coverage, but the one size does not fit all, argues André Finn.
Global Matters
Litigious industry
The US still far exceeds the tort costs of other industrialised nations.
Global Matters
And the heat is off
The FSA puts on hold its plans to develop rules on contract certainty.
A good hand
Despite a year of record losses, ACE not only made a profit in 2005 but kept its combined ratio under 100%. Nigel Allen finds out how.
Getting a grip
With reserve shortfalls still making headlines, just how effective are current reserving strategies? asks Nigel Allen
Filling the reserves
Duncan Briggs and Cheryl Tibbits consider the conservatism in Regulation XXX and the approaches taken to fund the reserve strain
Editor's Note
Editor's note - Are we learning from the past?
Has the re/insurance industry really learned anything from past catastrophic events?
Hung out to dry
Australia is another jurisdiction joining the US in its efforts to tackle money laundering Dean Carrigan and Penny Holloway discuss its potential impact on insurers.
GR Focus
One flu over the Cuckoo's Nest
With growing concern over bird flu, Andrew Tunnicliffe considers how alternative risk transfer could provide a solution to this pandemic risk