All Features articles – Page 20

  • CEO Q&A

    COO Q&A - Gerry Albanese


    An interview with Gerry Albanese, president and chief operating officer of Markel International.

  • Features

    Coming of age


    Global reinsurers suffered their greatest ever loss from catastrophes in 2005, yet the industry in the US realised almost $1.9bn in net income and increased policyholders' surplus by $5.8bn over 2004.

  • Features

    Sink or swim?


    How do reinsurers survive a "BBB" rating? Nick Thorpe explores the rocky road to recovery.

  • Country Analysis

    Hot, hot, hot


    Herbert Fromme takes a look at a German market in turmoil.

  • Editor's Note

    Editor's Note - The full Monte


    Is it just me who thinks Monte Carlo is one of the more bizarre places in the world?

  • GR Focus

    Collateralisation collision


    The 100% collateral rule for foreign reinsurers doing business in the US has long been accused of unfairness. But a more level playing field could be just around the corner, explains Ronald Gift Mullins.

  • Analysis

    Buying spree continues


    Jacqueline McGarry asks whether Australia's largest insurer might be about to go on another acquisition rampage.

  • Cover Story

    When the wind blows


    If "Katrina" was the word on everybody's lips at last year's Rendez-Vous, this year it is "capacity". With the gap between the hard and soft markets widening, Helen Yates considers what might be on underwriters' minds come this Monte Carlo gathering.

  • Investment Analysis

    There she blows


    The profitability of the reinsurance industry appears inextricably linked to the continuing hurricane season. Lindsey Rogerson investigates.

  • Features

    Asbestos U-turn


    Last month the UK government overruled the House of Lords by rewriting the law on asbestos payouts. Mairi Mallon reports on this unusual behaviour and its implications for insurers.

  • CEO Q&A

    Alan Griffin – CEO Q&A


    An interview with Alan Griffin, chairman and chief executive officer of JLT Re.

  • Cover Story

    Restoring the faith


    Could the industry's catastrophe models better predict Katrina today? After last year's wake-up call, Helen Yates assesses the recent changes made to improve the models' ability to analyse hurricane exposure.

  • Editor's Note

    Editor's Note - The clock is ticking


    Hurricane seasons can be deceiving because they encourage us to think on a yearly basis when longer-term trends can be more revealing.

  • CEO Q&A

    Hemant Shah - CEO Q&A


    An interview with Hemant Shah, president and chief executive officer of Risk Management Solutions (RMS).

  • Analysis

    Keeping its eye on the ball


    After being hit with hurricane losses of $600m in 2005, Endurance was quick off the mark to make some necessary changes to its risk profile, discovers Lilla Zuill.

  • Investment Analysis

    Euro Alone now


    Europe is still seen as a somewhat difficult market, and analysts are concerned this might be having a detrimental effect on European reinsurers, says Lindsey Rogerson.

  • Country Analysis

    Cleaning up its act


    One of the largest potential insurance markets in Europe is only just getting off the ground. James Hydzik discovers that Ukraine is shedding its shady image in an effort to establish a lucrative insurance industry.

  • GR Focus

    The cautious accountant


    The demise of WorldCom and Enron, and the resulting Sarbanes-Oxley legislation, has revolutionised the way accountants and reinsurers interact, explains Mairi Mallon.

  • Features

    Taking on Goliath


    Since Spitzer turned his focus squarely on the insurance industry last year there have been high-profile job losses, guilty pleas and sizable settlements But Liberty Mutual is not taking it lying down, explains Mairi Mallon.

  • Country Analysis

    Japan - still in flux


    The world's second largest insurance market is still in a state of transition, finds Shirish Nadkarni