All Features articles – Page 5
Lines & Risks
City limits
London, the grand dame of reinsurance is in danger of losing out to younger, more attractive markets, as companies lose patience with the UK’s burdensome tax and regulation. So what can the incoming government do to keep ’em sweet?
People & Opinion
Proceed with caution
Reinsurance is currently a robust and cash-rich market, and has weathered the financial storm well. But now is not the time to get complacent write James Geffen and Mike Papworth of Miller.
Capital gains
Regulators and rating agencies are pushing (re)insurers to combine risk controls with capital management. Global Reinsurance investigates the challenges – and rewards
Country Focus
Brick by brick
Slowly but surely, China is dismantling the wall of regulation that has so far held back overseas investment in the reinsurance market. This is a time of change, however frustrating the pace may seem
Blame game
The financial crisis was the ultimate test for many financial institutions’ ERM. We ask whether the models failed, or were they simply misapplied?
Cedant Q&A: Conor Finn of Barbican
As one of the first to join plucky start-up Barbican, Conor Finn played a key role in shaping the insurer’s strategy and culture. He and his colleagues like to go the extra mile – and expect the same from their reinsurers
Country Focus
Punching above its weight
The MultaQa conference showed that Qatar’s small market size belies the scale of its resilience and ambition, reports David Banks. Whether it is the world-class insurance trading platform or the global intentions of its reinsurers, this Arabian Gulf state cannot be ignored
News Agenda
Feet on the ground
The April renewals in Korea signalled a wider trend in Asia, writes David Banks. International reinsurers are establishing themselves in the local market. But what is driving this change of attitude?
Talk of the town
From climate change risk to the very topical subject of mergers and acquisitions, we report back on all the hottest reinsurance issues debated at the World Insurance Forum
Cover Story
Slowly but surely
Swiss Re has been regarded as the fast-paced player in reinsurance, but that was before the banking crisis hit. Today, its more cautious rival, Munich Re, appears to be ahead of the game.
Their secret weapon
Reinsurers are starting to assert themselves in the claims process, demanding increased control and earlier involvement. And they’re using the loss adjuster to do it, David Banks writes. We ask how cedants can fight back.
Qatar: A new reality
Accolades like ‘world’s fastest-growing economy’ and ‘richest population’ are all well and good. But David Banks reports that Qatar has now unveiled a list of reasons why its reinsurance credentials must be noticed too.
Lloyd’s of New York?
James Wrynn is set to change the dynamics of transatlantic reinsurance by creating a Lloyd’s-style exchange in New York. David Banks speaks to Wrynn and finds that his collaborative style might just make the idea work.
Country Focus
Not just a pretty tax rate
The global crisis may have caused Ireland’s economy to fall as dramatically as it had risen, but recession-proof reinsurers are still favouring this marketplace. With sound regulation and a warm business welcome, it’s not just about the cost advantage
In the hot seat
Ariel Re’s new chief executive George Rivaz has a lot to contend with, not least the persistent merger speculation surrounding the firm. A deal may happen, but it’s got to be worth it
Long haul to Rio
Brazil’s reinsurance market was a shining beacon of hope during the financial crisis. But David Banks finds growth rates have failed to impress and, with more legal changes on the way, foreign reinsurers are preparing for a slow and difficult journey.
Lines & Risks
Property reinsurance: Unsteady foundations
Last year saw property reinsurance results go through the roof, but many believe these balance sheet figures are built on pretty shaky ground. We ask what will happen when loss patterns return to normal
People & Opinion
The Middle East: is the honeymoon over?
Yassir Albaharna, CEO of Bahrain reinsurer Arig, argues that the partnership between the Middle East's insurance and investment communities requires attention.