All Flood articles – Page 3
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Japan losses could top $34bn
Biggest uncertainty remains strength of contingent business interruption insurance
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Novae expects $25m-$40m hit from Japan quake
2011 catastrophes combined could cost insurer $80m
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830 aftershocks rock Japan
World Bank estimates insured losses of between $14bn and $33bn
On shaky ground
As catastrophes wreak havoc across the world, reinsurers face the all too familiar aftershock of claims handling.We examine the continuing learning curve
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For the road ahead
Just as motorists have come to rely on sat-navs to show them the best course to take, insurers depend heavily on catastrophe risk models. Such dependence can lead to disappointment
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Reinsurers have ‘exhausted their 2011 cat budgets’
Willis Re says 2011 disasters so far could subdue M&A and buy-backs
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AIR revises Japan losses down to $20bn-$30bn
Tsunami loss alone estimated to be almost $10bn
Mopping up
The recovery effort has begun, but confusion over what really happened during the Australian floods and the scale of the damage could mean reinsurers end up paying out more than they need to
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Moody’s mulls Flagstone downgrade
Q1 catastrophes likely to result in “material losses” for the reinsurer
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Everest Re predicts NZ quake loss of up to $210m
Reinsurer expects ‘significant’ Japan losses
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Alterra puts 2010 cat losses at $26-38m
Japan losses expected to be ‘within normal risk tolerances’
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Endurance reveals 2011 cat losses of $55m
Reinsurer considers it ‘premature’ to estimate Japan losses
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RenRe expects "significant" hit from Japan quake
Reinsurer expects to pay out $220m for Australia and NZ events