Reinsurance broker’s new US chief financial officer was previously an Aon UK board director.

BMS Re, has appointed Farah Nelson as its chief financial officer (CFO), subject to regulatory approvals.

Farah Nelson

Based in New York, Nelson will report to Charlie Rozes, group CFO, and join the board of BMS Re, the specialty reinsurance broking arm of BMS.

Along with Morna Leather, UK and international CFO, and Charlie Rozes, group CFO, who was announced to have joined earlier this week, Nelson’s appointment completes BMS Group’s financial executive structure.

Nelson (pictured) has more than 20 years of experience working in multinational banks and private companies.

Most recently, she was UK CFO and board director at Aon where she was responsible for the financial performance of more than $1.6bn.

Before this, Nelson was a senior finance director for Aon, global controller for Stroz Friedberg, and held senior roles at JP Morgan Chase and Credit Agricole.

“I am delighted to welcome Farah to BMS,” said Nick Cook, CEO, BMS Group.

“She is an accomplished finance executive having worked in fast-paced, growth-orientated organisations. Not only that, but she is a proven leader with a track record of setting clear goals and delivering on them, and she is deeply passionate about diversity, equity, and inclusion.

“With her now working with Charlie and Morna at the group level, continuing to drive investment in reinsurance across the UK, US and our Bermuda platforms, our finance team is formidable. I am delighted to have Farah join and look forward to working with her,” Cook continued.

Nelson added: “Joining BMS at this time is incredibly exciting. BMS has a fantastic reputation, and rightly so.

“Its people have not only been able to achieve enviable growth but have also made a point of doing this in exactly the right way, with collaboration, empathy, and inclusivity at their core. I am delighted to join its talented team and excited to get started.”