Carbon Underwriting has a new syndicate at Lloyd’s. Questions answered by Rob Crocker, its active underwriter.

Syndicate 5757 is your 2nd syndicate at Lloyd’s – why the need for a second one; and what will 5757 focus on?

Rob Crocker BW1

The launch of Syndicate 5757 marks a pivotal moment in Carbon’s journey. As our second syndicate at Lloyd’s, it’s not just about expansion—it’s about seizing a unique opportunity within the US programme business market.

The need for a second syndicate arose from the significant growth we’ve experienced and the increasing demand for our data-driven, tech-first approach to underwriting. Syndicate 5757 is designed to capitalise on the US market’s potential, with a specific focus on programme business.

Our proprietary technology platform, Graphene, is central to this effort, enabling us to deliver high-quality underwriting with unmatched efficiency. This syndicate will allow us to enhance our offerings and further establish Carbon as a leader in delegated authority business on a global scale.

What details can you share about its objectives for the first year and beyond?

We’re projecting a strong start for Syndicate 5757, with an anticipated Gross Written Premium (GWP) of £119m in 2025. Our objectives for the first year are ambitious yet grounded in the confidence we have in our technology and team.

Beyond the initial year, our strategy is to build on this momentum, leveraging Graphene to continue driving innovation in underwriting and operational efficiency.

By 2025, across both Syndicate 4747 and 5757, we aim to have nearly £400m GWP under management. Our long-term goal is not just growth in numbers, but also in our ability to lead the market with superior data insights and underwriting performance.

Key to our success remains our ability to attract, retain and nurture top talent. Our culture of innovation and empowerment remains a cornerstone of Carbon’s strategy - we provide an innovative environment and commitment to professional development that ensures we continue to build a world-class team capable of driving our ambitious growth plans.

In the near future we plan to announce new senior hires that expand our team across both syndicates - watch this space for more details.

How and where are you looking to grow in the US market – what kind of ‘sweet spot’ business will you be targeting?

Our growth strategy in the US market is sharply focused on programme business, particularly where we can leverage our technology to add value. The ‘sweet spot’ for us lies in working with MGAs and programme administrators who share our commitment to innovation and data-driven decision-making.

The US market’s scale and diversity present a myriad of opportunities, but our approach is to be selective and strategic. We’re targeting niches where our expertise in delegated authority business and our advanced analytics through Graphene can drive superior results.

By identifying these opportunities and aligning with the right partners, we believe Syndicate 5757 will play a key role in our US expansion.