All Industry Comment articles – Page 6
Survival of the fittest
During the last few years, the practices of both life insurers and reinsurers have undergone some dramatic changes, the most significant of which is consolidation. Alan Levin and Socheth Sor assess the impact.
Chinese shockwaves
In the wake of the recent dive on Shanghai's Stock Exchange, which quickly impacted worldwide financial markets, Dr Milan Simic examines the potential impact of large losses from earthquakes and other natural hazards in China.
GR Focus
Freedom from captivity
Captives must adapt and change in order to remain competitive. Dominic Wheatley examines the changing environment in which captives operate and suggests how they can respond to it.
Taking on London
A raft of recent regulatory changes has helped turn Switzerland into a reinsurance force to be reckoned with. But for a country with such a saturated insurance market, can it support further growth? Nick Thorpe finds out.
A sitting duck
A large Tokyo earthquake is many reinsurers' worst nightmare. Tom Larsen provides the modelling perspective on this earthquake prone region, otherwise known as the Pacific Rim of Fire.
Dispute resolution
A reinsurance dispute can easily become drawn out and costly. So what are the alternatives to litigation and how can they be adopted by the industry? Paul Moss provides a solution.
Not what it says on the tin
A round-up of some key cases in the UK and the US in 2006 highlights some basic issues with follow-the-settlement and claims cooperation clauses, explain Ian McKenna, Wendy Allen-Rodney, Matthew Ingber and Jordan Rosenfeld.
GR Focus
The tipping point?
Does the 2007 renewal season represent a return to normality or is this the tipping point in the cycle? David Pannell examines some of the key trends.
GR Focus
Emission Impossible
Climate change is upon us. But what are the emerging trends and what can the insurance industry do to mitigate the effects? Dr Steve Smith investigates.
Industry Matters
Run-off down under
Regulation changes in Australia has meant the re-examination of capital strategies by those managing run-offs, explains Peter Aroney.
Contract uncertainty
If ever there was a case that truly underlined the importance of contract certainty - and of issuing a policy in a timely fashion - it is the ongoing battle between insurers and World Trade Center Properties. In the first of a two part series, Peter Schwartz explains the latest ...
Industry Matters
Climate challenge
Trevor Maynard looks at the possible consequences of climate change for insurers.
ERM takes centre stage
Insurers and reinsurers that embed enterprise risk management into their culture will have the competitive edge, says Raj Ahuja.
Barrier or gateway?
Regulation can be both a blessing and a curse for insurers and reinsurers. But, as Colin Smith explains, compliance should be part of every firm's basic operating procedure.
Industry Matters
Captive audience
Despite the widely-held belief to the contrary, the captive market is still ripe for growth, especially in Europe, explains Andrew Tunnicliffe.
Industry Matters
Guaranteed success
Takaful insurance looks set to be the fastest growing sector in coming years, predict Phillip Thorpe and Fetooh Al Zayani.
GR Focus
Final Hurdle
Has real progress been made with contract certainty or is it just "low hanging fruit"? David Hall explains how tripartite relationships are the key to reaching the higher branches.
Drilling down
It may have been a quiet hurricane season, but as Keith Leung discovers, there are still plenty of challenges facing offshore energy in the Gulf of Mexico.
Industry Matters
Fragile China
The world's most populous nation is also one of the world's most deadly, says Dr Paul Burton.