All Interview articles – Page 5
Aon Survey Highlights Steps Companies are Taking to Accelerate Workforce Agility and Resilience
Key findings include HR professionals observing a strong link between diversity and inclusion and developing agile workforces
Reinsurance price increases have been ‘timid’ so far, says Swiss Re CUO
Reinsurance price increases seen so far have been “timid,” according to Thierry Léger, group chief underwriting officer at Swiss Re AG.
Swiss Re sees positive outlook for renewals, further market hardening expected
Following rate improvements in many markets, and particularly in loss-affected segments, Swiss Re expects further rate hardening across all lines of business. At the same time, the reliance on underwriting profits increases in the low interest rate environment. Swiss Re also expects more opportunities for re/insurers due to a combination ...
Briefing: Insurers need to prepare for the economic and social fallout from Covid-19
The coronavirus pandemic has created a new world for insurers to operate in, and it is one that is made up of new and increased risks. Insurers will need to adapt to this new risk landscape if they are going to thrive in the new normal By insights editor Matt ...
Fitch: Asian Reinsurers Repositioning amid Catastrophe Losses and Pandemic
Insurers and reinsurers in Asia are likely to put renewed emphasis on ensuring the adequacy and appropriateness of their existing (re)insurance protection, following significant catastrophe losses in 2019 and 1H20 and in expectation of the tougher times following the coronavirus pandemic, Fitch Ratings says in a new report.
Global Matters
Guy Carpenter Report: Which Types of Carriers and Reinsurance Coverages are Most Impacted by COVID-19?
As the COVID-19 situation is changing on a daily basis, the impact to the insurance and reinsurance markets is not yet fully known.
Blueprint One: a fundamental rewiring
Blueprint One has worthy aspirations and might do better than previous failed attempts to cut costs through technology at Lloyd’s, according to Bart Patrick, managing director for Europe at Duck Creek Technologies
Q&A with Munich Re’s Farny: contrasting Asian insurtech with Europe
Tobias Farny is Munich Re’s chief executive for the Asia Pacific markets of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand
Munich Re’s Eckl: Japan, Korea, India driving Asia’s cyber market
New rules in South Korea mandated third-party cyber cover for SMEs, while Japan and India are also big buyers
News Agenda
Pointless continuing reinsurance relationships on bad terms – PartnerRe’s Beedle
Pricing inadequacy means saying no to some business, stresses PartnerRe’s Asia Pacific CEO
Q&A with TMK: Cyber risk does not recognise borders
There has never been a better time to buy cyber insurance. Despite this, there is still a concerning lack of take-up among Asia’s insurance buyers, according to Alex Jomaa (pictured), cyber underwriter at Tokio Marine Kiln
Al Zain’s mission to rebuild Trust Re
Transparency for investors and clients together with “institutionalising” corporate governance, are at the centre of Trust Re’s new chief executive’s plan to return the reinsurer to a growth trajectory
Hong Kong situation highlights competing regional hubs
Tony Gallagher, reinsurance broker Guy Carpenter’s CEO of Asia Pacific answers GR’s questions, as the region’s reinsurance players meet for the annual SIRC rendezvous in Singapore
New Dawn Risk focusing on fac to treaty transformation
Smaller Asian insurers have had limited provision under reinsurance treaties to write professional lines business, relying on fac placements, something broker New Dawn Risk is trying to change
Aon: Developing the Asian modelling landscape
Catastrophe risk poses one of the big challenges for Asia Pacific’s economies. Modelling solutions need to keep up with the reinsurance market’s developing exposures, Brad Weir, Head of Analytics for Asia at Aon’s Reinsurance Solutions business tells GR.
Winds of change: 16th SIRC welcomes delegates with 2019 theme
Q&A with Marc Haushofer, SRA chairman and honorary advisor to the organising committee for the 16th Singapore International Reinsurance Conference (SIRC)
AXA XL: Addressing emerging Asia’s protection needs
Q&A with Peter Schmidt, chief executive, MEA, APAC, LATAM, Credit & Surety, AXA XL Reinsurance, a division of AXA
GIC Re: Pricing has not matched growth
Q&A with GIC Re General Manager Satyajit Tripathy, who explains that even after significant loss events Asian prices have barely budged
Aon: Matchmaking for life
Asia’s life and health (L&H) reinsurance market is changing, with fresh entrants and a change of products being sold on the primary side, according to Pierre Vende, Head of Accident, Health and Life, Aon Reinsurance Solutions.
Climate risk: new PRA requirements come into force
New requirements to enhance insurers’ approaches to managing the financial risks from climate change came into effect on 15 October from the UK’s Prudential Regulation Authority