All London articles – Page 2
DWIC18 ends on optimistic note
The two-day event, co-hosted by the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), saw a global delegate contingent of nearly 600 network and gain insight
DWIC18 - NASA on managing space-age risks from the coalface
The federal agency’s aerospace engineer Jeevan Perera provides a risk-focused perspective at this year’s DWIC
DWIC18 - B3i company to launch next week, Régis Delayat
Speaking at Day Two of DWIC18, Scor’s Delayat announced the change of structure
Q&A: Scor's Régis Delayat on implementing change
One of the industry’s biggest advocates for digital changes talks about preparing for the tech revolution
DWIC18 - New data and processing power make way for “renaissance” in AI
A breakdown of the key talking points from the DWIC 2018 AI panel on day one
DWIC18 - Insurers must evolve or die, Vincent Vandendael
The Lloyd’s chief commercial officer told DWIC delegates that the ecosystem business model was the way forward
CBL Insurance in liquidation
New Zealand regulator puts troubled insurer into interim liquidation
Define data first, clean up second – Mazars
With Europe’s GDPR rules on information privacy inbound, Mazars is busy advising clients on their priorities to meet the compliance deadline
Crisis-hit CBL Insurance Europe to lose major airline as customer
Ryanair looking to drop CBL Insurance Europe amid company problems
Insurer with UK and Irish brokers/MGAs ordered to stop writing new business
CBL Europe ordered to stop writing new business by Irish Central Bank
Allianz UK falls into underwriting loss amid tough market conditions
Allianz UK posts 100.4 combined ratio
New Pool Re terrorism assessment tool leads to discounted premiums
Self-assessment tool could earn UK insureds a 5% premium discount
XL Catlin promotes Tim Powell into top IFL role
Powell will head the firm’s insurance division’s international financial lines
Ogden pushes Zurich UKGI into loss
Zurich says it would have made a profit on general insurance business without the Ogden hit
Brexit: Lloyd’s Brussels prepares for launch
The London insurance market thinks its Lloyd’s Brussels company will offer corporate clients and stakeholders certainty and continuity despite Brexit
Aon sees global profit rise
Aon’s global broking operations see growth recover in fourth quarter
Fraudulent instruction cyber threat emerges
Cyber insurer Beazley has warned about a rise in fraudulent instruction scams
Willis Re reports record-breaking insurtech investment year for (re)insurers
Reports show 2017 to be highest on record for technology investments