All North America articles – Page 51
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Committee adopts new reinsurance regulation proposals
“The system now is too simplistic, has arbitrary barriers that impugn valuable consumer protections, and ignores differences within and outside the US.”
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IUA: US reinsurance reform "a breakthrough"
Efforts to create a new generation of reinsurance regulation in the US have been welcomed
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Businesses still not ready for pandemic threat
According to the latest Aon report on pandemic influenza, businesses are still unprepared
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Rating upgrade bodes well for Scottish Re
An upgrade from “CCC” to “B” sees Scottish Re's ratings moving in the right direction
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Spate of hires for Transatlantic Re
Transatlantic Reinsurance has announced seven new hires
Global Matters
Change in the wind
The mid-term elections in the US could spell disaster for the insurance industry.