All Regions LIVE articles – Page 20
Industry Matters
It’s a gamble
Catastrophe predictions are less reliable than rolling dice, says Seymour Matthews.
GR Focus
No pain, no gain
The implementation of Europe-wide capital adequacy regulation, Solvency II, will be a huge landmark for the insurance industry. Set to be implemented by 2012, it will have a significant impact on the capital structures of insurance companies and how risk is managed. As organisations endeavour to become Solvency II-compliant, many ...
Industry Matters
Free market power
David Sampson promotes the value of a joined up approach to insuring the Floridian property insurance market.
Country Analysis
Emerald Isle
Partner Re, XL, Allied World, Quanta and Max Insurance are all based out there. No it’s not Bermuda but Dublin, Ireland that is becoming one of Europe’s most attractive reinsurance centres. Helen Yates reports.
Editor's Note
Desert stampede
The fallout of subprime will be felt more keenly in today's global village than ever before
Industry Matters
Learning curve
Dr Simon Young looks at the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility after almost a year in existence.
GR Focus
Counting the cost
With the cost of red tape leaping a dramatic £10bn to £66bn a year in the UK alone, a new Norton Rose survey reveals how insurers and reinsurers really feel about regulation. James Bateson reports.
When politics and insurance clash
Allstate in the dock, insurance pools with negative equity and a federal catastrophe backstop in the offing. With election fever in the air, Ronald Gift Mullins looks at an increasingly politicised US insurance market.
Black gold rush
There is a rush on. In case anyone failed to notice – reinsurance companies are scrabbling to set up shop in the Middle East. Mairi Mallon reports.
Investment Analysis
Banging the drum for Bermuda
The absence of major catastrophe losses has meant another fantastic year for most Bermuda players. Investors should remain bullish despite softening reinsurance rates, argues Lindsey Rogerson.
The truth about diversification
After Hurricane Katrina and her sisters wrought their destruction in 2005 the Bermuda monoline business model was never going to look good. Two and a half years on, Lee Coppack asks if diversification is all it’s cracked up to be.
Online only
Buffett leapfrogs Gates to become world's richest man
Berkshire Hathaway boss and acclaimed Oracle of Omaha Warren Buffett is worth $62bn
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AIR: Emma losses could reach EUR1.3bn
Germany and Austria are expected to account for more than half the losses
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Technology first for Aspen Re in Bermuda
Aspen Re has become the first Bermudian insurer to implement electronic accounting and settlement
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XL bond insurers on review for downgrade
The securities that are guaranteed or "wrapped" by the insurers could also be downgraded, warns Moody's
Reinsurers lose crucial legal battle
AGF and Wasa forced to pay pollution clean-up costs in follow-the-settlements case
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Bermuda thriving amid turmoil, says Fitch
Rating agency considers developing a separate rating outlook for Bermuda
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Fitch upgrades Arch Capital and Arch Re
Upgrades reflect its consistently strong underwriting profitability relative to its peers