All Regions LIVE articles – Page 69
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Hard times
KRW inflicted hefty damage on PXRE, setting in motion a spiral of decline, but news of a merger with Argonaut offers a new lease of life
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Travelers post impressive Q2 results
Company report second quarter net income of $1.254bn
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The Middle Feast
With healthy profits coming from its established Middle East operations and significant new growth from the Far East, Arig has never had it so good
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The great escape
With insurers' profits likely to be washed away, reinsurers set to emerge from the UK floods relatively unscathed
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Too early to pop the champagne corks
A new report highlights record results for Bermuda reinsurers in 2006, but stormy waters lie ahead
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UK flood cover could be removed, warns Aon
Broker warns that lack of government investment could scare off insurers