All Regulatory articles – Page 2
People & Opinion
Ratings: your flexible friends
Rating agencies have been battered by the media, but this is because people don’t understand how they work. Instead, they need to look more closely at the agencies’ rating methodology and why they are trusted by banks, brokers and investment houses
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PERILS publishes QIS5 scenario
Data specialists focused on nine markets most likely to suffer maximum windstorm loss in Europe
Behind the curtain
Criticised for failing to predict the banking crisis and for the simplicity of their financial strength models, has the illusion of power wielded by the rating agencies finally been broken?
IASB: start planning now
The IASB’s proposed new accounting standards aim for improved consistency and transparency. However, we should expect more volatility in insurers’ results, and the market will need time to adjust to the changes to income statements
Country Focus
Game on
The global financial crisis barely registered on Brazil’s radar and now, as the country invests in a sporting future, opportunities abound for reinsurers
Neal Bill: rumble of the jumbos
The elephantine battle between US insurance companies wanting to close the ‘Bermuda loophole’ and reinsurers fearing an unfair tax could drastically affect the American consumer
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Neal Bill ‘violates German-US tax treaty’
German ambassador slams attempts to close reinsurance tax loophole
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CEIOPS guidance could hit firms with US units – Moody’s
Committee recommends delaying US Solvency II equivalency
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Value of BSX-listed cat bonds tops $1bn
Ten insurance-linked securities now listed on the exchange
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Aon Benfield urges cedants to use internal solvency models
Solvency II’s Standard Formula provides inadequate credit for some reinsurance
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US collateral cuts to benefit reinsurers – Moody’s
Regulators seen lowering collateral requirements for foreign reinsurers
The last straw
Tough new tax measures from the IMF aim to catch insurers, even the most risk-averse reinsurers, in the same net as banks. As the industry lobbies next month’s G20 for exemption and urges government to water down the proposals, we ponder the outcome
No pain, no gain?
A grey cloud still looms over Solvency II, as feared market instability and confusion over how it will work leaves the industry feeling less than sunny. But will the long-term pros be worth the short-term cons? We zipped over to Brussels to hear the latest talks
Open door policy
Many countries are reluctant to allow premiums to flow out of their borders, but lobbyists argue that compulsory cessions are a barrier to free trade. And even local reinsurers are beginning to see the benefits of a liberalised market
GR Focus
Captives: Fear of the unknown
With Solvency II upon us, captives are facing an uncertain, and industry bodies say unfair, future. Will the directive impose unreasonable capital requirements that late concessions to captives have not gone far enough to redress?
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PartnerRe names Montupet as chairman
New chairman Jean-Paul Montupet replaces John Rollwagen