All Regulatory articles – Page 38
GR Focus
Restate at your own Peril
The threat of downgrades, investigations and perturbed investors means the decision to restate financial results can no longer be taken lightly, says Ronald Gift Mullins.
Industry Matters
Flooding the market
Josette Nouguier and Jean-Louis Marsaud examine the EC proposal for a directive on floods.
Global Matters
Eastern promise
Foreign brokers and reinsurers turn their attention to the burgeoning Indian insurance market.
Don't ignore the small print
The refusal to approve the HIH scheme in its current form is a reminder that schemes of arrangement cannot simply be pushed through the courts, explains Peter Clarke.
A changing world
If the upheaval of ongoing regulatory scrutiny were not enough, the verdicts from a handful of recent cases could have additional implications on the way insurance brokers go about their business, explains Carolyn Haigh.
Global Matters
Capital markets solution
The Financial Services Authority is developing rules to ease the regulation of special purpose vehicles in the UK.
Global Matters
Compact begins operation
The NAIC streamlines regulatory oversight in an effort to derail national insurance regulation.
Industry Matters
An argument for intervention
Insurers, consumers and government all play key roles in catastrophe preparation, mitigation and recovery, says Ernst Csiszar.
Class action culture
Is the spectre of US-style class actions haunting Europe? ask Truiken Heydn, Chris Williamson and Liz Williams.
Country Analysis
Cleaning up its act
One of the largest potential insurance markets in Europe is only just getting off the ground. James Hydzik discovers that Ukraine is shedding its shady image in an effort to establish a lucrative insurance industry.
GR Focus
The cautious accountant
The demise of WorldCom and Enron, and the resulting Sarbanes-Oxley legislation, has revolutionised the way accountants and reinsurers interact, explains Mairi Mallon.
Online only
Solvency II should not lead to ratings actions
Based on developments to date, Moody's Investors Service does not expect that the forthcoming introduction of Solvency II will result in the European insurance industry as a whole needing to raisi …