All Regulatory articles – Page 75
Oil on Troubled Waters
Fifteen years after the Exxon Valdez grounding and fourteen years after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, the re/insurance community is still facing legal issues arising out of these events
European wind-up
Timothy Goodger looks at the impact of new European legislation surrounding the winding-up of insurance businesses
Continent drifts towards run-off
Nick Eddery-Joel looks at the different approaches to run-off business across Europe
An inspection calls
Simon Kilgour and Tim Harmer examine inspection problems and how to tackle them
The Regulator bites back
John Edmond examines run-off Down Under and the impact of the APRA prudential reforms
Online only
All's FAIR in Senate and law
Rick Farrell and Mary Lyman assess whether US asbestos litigation reform is still a viable prospect