All Regulatory articles – Page 82
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Prevention is better than cure
A new set of guidelines for reinsurance purchasing practices may help reduce litigation in the future.
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Changed agenda
Earlier this year, Bermudian re/insurers were concerned about a US initiative to tax offshore insurers. But priorities have changed.
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Unwinding the spiral
The cork is still in the bottle of Project Corkscrew, but this first effort to unwind the legacy of the LMX spiral will not be the last.
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Taxing issues
An international initiative aimed at harmonising tax treatment across onshore and offshore locations could blunt the competitive edge of certain captive domiciles. But the US has stopped short of fully supporting the proposals.
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Currency risk
Impact of the introduction of the euro notes and coins on counterfeiting and money laundering activity.
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Across frontiers
Mark Pring provides a pan-European perspective of corporate governance.
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Convergence island: myth or reality?
Global Reinsurance invited a panel to a roundtable luncheon at the Waterloo House in Hamilton to discuss this, and other facets of business in Bermuda.
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Long and winding road
European reinsurers are arguing the case for a less stringent regulatory regime in the US.
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When less is more
The risk manager's role in minimising liability in a class action settlement.