All Regulatory articles – Page 9
Preventing a tailspin
It’s becoming a buyer’s market but the signs are good that reinsurers will stand their ground at mid-year. Chris Klein predicts a long glide down.
Investment Analysis
When a hedge fund sneezes
Will reinsurers catch a cold? Hedge funds experienced their first negative quarter on record in Q1. That could have dire consequences for the insurance companies and products they invest in, explains Lindsey Rogerson.
Will subprime fuel run-off?
It could be years before the full force of the credit crunch is felt by the insurance markets, as Michael Cook explains. So are initial reports of unscathed insurers premature?
An elegant solution
Only a few years have passed since cat bonds were commonly described as “an elegant solution in search of a problem”. They have since become a vital tool in the risk transfer armoury, but will they remain there? asks Mark Hvidsten.
Industry Matters
Directive results
Most (re)insurers believe EU directives will cause a rise in run-off business, explains Dan Schwarzmann
Country Analysis
Switzerland: The pressure cooker
Switzerland is increasingly home from home for Bermuda reinsurers. David Banks assesses its alpine attractions.
Cover Story
Fragile China
It has been called “China’s Hurricane Andrew”. Following the Sichuan earthquake in China, Helen Yates asks how future events could be better insured and whether a government-backed catastrophe pool could be the solution.
The next industry changing loss
Only three years have passed since Hurricane Katrina sent three Bermuda reinsurers into run-off. Amanda Atkins considers what impact another major catastrophe could have on the market in 2008.
Lee Brandon
An interview with Lee Brandon, director and chief executive officer of PRO Insurance Solutions.
GR Focus
Bermuda: Trouble in paradise?
The credit crunch, unpopular policies and the ever-looming threat of a major catastrophe loss are just some of the challenges facing Bermuda reinsurers. Some say Bermuda is losing its shine and yet the market has enjoyed two years of record profits. Helen Yates takes stock.
Industry Matters
Balancing the scales
The Law Commissions’ proposed changes in insurance law will be welcomed as a means to correct perceived bias, says Ken McKenzie.
Holding back the rates
It became everyone’s favourite buzzword during the record years of 2006 and 2007. Now with falling earnings, increased competition and subprime losses, it’s time to put ERM to the test, argues Ronald Gift Mullins.
Argo Group: Sea change
Argo Group has had a busy decade. The recent Bermuda convert has seen its premiums explode from $100m in 1998 to just shy of an estimated $2bn this year. Mairi Mallon reports.
Industry Matters
Ain’t no ocean wide enough
The Transatlantic insurance relationship could receive a boost if a joint proposal from both sides of the pond is applied, says Alberto Corinti.
Bermuda executives "uncomfortable" with island politics
The Bermuda premier Ewart Brown shut down parliamentary debate last month
Online only
Markel wins case against surety bond underwriter
Court heard that premium was secretly diverted to an offshore entity for profit
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Aon seals deal on contingent commissions
Firms bought by the broker will have three years to apply rules
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Greenberg denies wrongdoing in finite deal
Former AIG boss Hank Greenberg is being investigated by the SEC for a second deal
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Liberty Mutual expands into India
Liberty Mutual and its partner Dabur GI Invest Corp plan to form a non-life insurance company in India
Online only
MetLife to divest stake in RGA
Common stock to be recapitalised into two classes and offered to MetLife stockholders