All Reinsurance Markets articles
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MultaQa 2011: Qatar finance minister seeks (re)insurers’ wish-lists
Minister underscores his state’s commitment to (re)insurance development in opening speech
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Japan: Waiting for dawn
Insurers in the land of the rising sun are taking a while to recover from the financial crisis, but Japan remains the fourth largest non-life insurance market in the world, with opportunities for those who dare
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2010 catastrophe insured losses top $37bn - Munich Re
Second-highest number of natural catastrophes in 30 years
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First-half cat losses are double average
Insured losses $22bn so far this year, says Munich Re
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Former Qatar Financial Centre manager joins Kane
Fetooh Al Zayani appointed as senior regional advisor
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Flagstone Re sees drop in operating income
60% less income compared to Q1 2009; $50m Chile losses
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Hannover Re on track despite catastophes
Reinsurer saw its Q1 results boosted by a rise in net premium and increased investment income
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Munich Re pays out nearly €1.1bn to shareholders
Reinsurance giant made a "clear profit" in Q1 despite catastrophe losses
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Aon Benfield boosts actuarial team
Paul Kaye to lead actuarial and enterprise risk management
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Willis signals push into ILS
William Dubinsky, formerly of Swiss Re, will lead ILS at Willis Capital Markets & Advisory
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Why the ash cloud has a silver lining for insurers
AIR explains why disruption to European air travel is not expected to trigger large insurance losses
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Munich Re creates SPV for US risks
Cayman-registered Johnston Re will provide hurricane coverage for two North Carolina insurance groups