All Reinsurance articles – Page 146

  • GR Focus

    Molecular Revolution


    While still in its infancy, nanotechnology is poised to revolutionise the world of technology. But what are the risks associated with its development and are insurers and reinsurers ready? ask Harry Oellrich and Sandy Hauserman.

  • Global Matters

    Life security


    AXA makes history with catastrophe mortality securitisation.

  • Country Analysis

    Vive L'Assurance


    After a tumultuous few years, France has recovered its footing and now boasts a thriving, if concentrated, insurance and reinsurance community, discovers Nick Thorpe.

  • Features

    In the headlines


    Nick Thorpe takes a look back at the top stories from 2006.

  • Global Matters

    VII steps to happiness


    The Treasury is looking into ways to make the Part VII transfer process clearer for reinsurers.

  • Global Matters

    Finite under the microscope


    Despite the fines imposed by the FSA, the German financial regulator BaFin will not be levying penalties on Cologne Re.

  • GR Focus

    Ruffling feathers


    So far the dreaded H5N1 bird flu virus has not mutated into a more deadly form. But if experts are right and it does become a pandemic, life insurers and reinsurers would be hit the hardest, explains Lauren Kalinowski.

  • GR Focus

    Emission Impossible


    Climate change is upon us. But what are the emerging trends and what can the insurance industry do to mitigate the effects? Dr Steve Smith investigates.

  • Features

    Contract uncertainty


    If ever there was a case that truly underlined the importance of contract certainty - and of issuing a policy in a timely fashion - it is the ongoing battle between insurers and World Trade Center Properties. In the first of a two part series, Peter Schwartz explains the latest ...

  • Global Matters

    Lawful compliance


    Takaful insurance and reinsurance is set to explode in coming years.

  • Investment Analysis

    Top of the Class


    It's just over a year since the Class of 2005 entered the Bermuda market. Lindsey Rogerson takes a look at how they have faired in their first year and what prospects lie ahead.

  • CEO Q&A

    Chris O'Kane - CEO Q&A


    An interview with Chris O'Kane, chief executive officer of Aspen.

  • Features

    ERM takes centre stage


    Insurers and reinsurers that embed enterprise risk management into their culture will have the competitive edge, says Raj Ahuja.

  • Features

    Barrier or gateway?


    Regulation can be both a blessing and a curse for insurers and reinsurers. But, as Colin Smith explains, compliance should be part of every firm's basic operating procedure.

  • Cover Story

    A competitive advantage


    Do you have an enterprise risk management approach? It's the key to survival in the midst of regulatory, rating agency and stakeholder pressure and in an increasingly uncertain environment, warns Ronald Gift Mullins.

  • Features

    The $40bn question


    Will Europe experience its own Katrina? European insurers need to prepare for winter storm losses far beyond those experienced to date, warn Yorn Tatge and Peter Dailey.

  • Online only

    Limit outlook revised to positive


    Moody's puts Limit Underwriting's outlook on positive as it outperforms its peers

  • Online only

    Merger puts Imagine in line for an upgrade


    Moody's has placed the C+ Below Average performance rating of syndicate 994 under review for possible upgrade