All Reinsurance articles – Page 181
Tore Kalmeborg: We have a very good cross-section of the market here today, and therefore perhaps a good starter question is to ask what the key factors are which have contributed to the dramatic growth of the international run-off market and whether this growth will be sustainable going forward? Lee ...
Industry Matters
Rapid-response reinsurance
The reinsurance side-car market is becoming an increasingly desirable way to spread risk, explains Alan Murray.
Omission is not an option
Peter Dunlop reveals the dangers of failing to deal effectively with the issue of governing law
GR Focus
For the greater good D&O
Do insurers have a role to play in enhancing corporate governance and promoting "good" corporate behaviour in the post-Enron/Worldcom world? asks Mark Goracy
Taking on Goliath
Since Spitzer turned his focus squarely on the insurance industry last year there have been high-profile job losses, guilty pleas and sizable settlements But Liberty Mutual is not taking it lying down, explains Mairi Mallon.
GR Focus
Get it in writing
Two recent court decisions emphasise the importance of contract certainty when providing D&O coverage, explain Richard Bortnick and Emilio Boehringer
Country Analysis
Japan - still in flux
The world's second largest insurance market is still in a state of transition, finds Shirish Nadkarni
Industry Matters
Ringing in a new ERA?
Dr Heiner Hasford and Rolf Häßler explain the significance of the UN's Principles for Responsible Investment.
The winds of change
Last year's dark storm clouds may cast a longer lasting shadow over the Bermudian reinsurance industry than ever before, finds Lilla Zuill, with some of the view that fundamental changes to how the sector does business is the only way to go