All Reinsurance articles – Page 334
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Challenges of life retrocession
The life retrocession industry is in a state of flux and as business volumes decline retrocessionaires are placing more emphasis on other product offerings in a bid to fuel future growth. By Michael Dekoning.
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Breathing New Life
A new breed of life reinsurer has evolved in recent years, mostly domiciling in offshore jurisdictions. By Roger Crombie.
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Taxing issues
A growing number of US corporations are switching their parent company domicile to Bermuda, but US politicians are proposing legislation to stem the flow.
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Health Risk
A recent market analysis has shown that medmal insurers are in a state of crisis, says Robert T Allen.
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Regulating the better mousetrap
Global Reinsurance correspondent Roger Crombie welcomed representatives of the Bermuda Government, existing Bermuda companies and start-ups activated in the wake of September 11, and the island's law firms to a discussion of regulation and broader issues affecting Bermuda and the world insurance markets, at the Waterloo House Hotel in Hamilton, ...
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Paying the price of terror
The thorny issue of who assumes responsibility for terrorism cover remains a problem.
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Laying down the law
LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae attorneys provide an overview of reinsurance trends over the course of 2001.
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How costly is your risk
The fourth RIMS benchmark study on cost of risk showed a decline in the overall cost of risk for organisations based in the US and Canada, though the experience of large corporations masked an increase in certain lines.
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New capacity,new complexity
Robert E Kelly looks at the new capacity in the marketplace.
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Adding It All Together
Reinsurers are taking a new view of aggregates in the wake of last year's catastrophes. By Adrian Leonard.
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Stormy skies
Sarah Goddard reports on recent changes in the aviation re/insurance sector.
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Reinsurers may be licking their wounds, but 2001 was a vindication of the industry, and a testament to its strength, says Marie-Louise Rossi.
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New trends in reinsurance wordings and exclusions
Following recent incidents of war and terrorism, Hermes Marangos asks how re/insurers can provide cover for politically motivated acts?