All Risk Management articles – Page 61
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Top-line Responsibility
Richard Taylor and Bill Carr look at the increased emphasis on corporate social responsibility
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Risk Reduction
Alan Williamson argues that reinsurers should look closely at direct carriers' risk differentiation techniques to improve standards of risk management and ultimately reduce loss costs
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Shelling out
Oil giant Shell is facing an avalanche of lawsuits since cutting oil reserve estimates, but other energy companies may be following suit - with implications for the re/insurance sector
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Location, Location, Location .
As regulation gets tougher, re/insurers should demand more detailed information - such as risk location - says Michael Bartlett
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Sound Assessment
Catastrophe risk assessment for individual structures can prove a useful tool for profitable decision-making
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Going Global
David Rainbow looks at multinational insurers' reinsurance buying strategies
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Are The Markets Back On Track?
Salvatore Correnti and Stephen M Sonlin consider whether the investment markets have settled yet, and how re/insurers should approach their asset management strategy
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Mission ERM
Enterprise-wide risk management (ERM) is now firmly on the boardroom agenda, though a new study of ERM has found that many companies are still struggling to get beyond the design and planning stage Mark Stephen looks at what the study reveals about the challenges facing re/insurers in developing effective ERM ...
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Alternative ART
Accounting, regulatory and taxation issues must be considered early in the construction process for ART solutions
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Acting on Sarbox
Philip J Loree Jr and Nancy K Eisner take an in-depth look at how Sarbanes-Oxley is affecting insurers