Karen Clark, CEO of Karen Clark & Company (KCC), is a pioneer in catastrophe risk modelling. As the industry faces mounting challenges from wildfires, severe convective storms (SCS), and shifting market conditions, the looks to the future of cat models.
Leadership at Lloyd’s, the market’s stellar performance in recent results, and the need for underwriting discipline in future were themes of a chat between Rachel Turk and GR.
Steve Guijarro, Ascot’s US chief risk officer maintains an aversion to taking big bets, as the re/insurer continues to prioritise a stable and diversified long-term underwriting strategy.
As Russia’s war continues in its third year, what role can the re/insurance industry play in rebuilding Ukraine?
London-based Supercede was set up in 2019, launching its reinsurance-focused technology into the market in 2020 and 2021.
IGI’s Dubai hub prioritises facultative business, because treaty reinsurance competition is fierce in the Middle East and sees a construction boom in Saudi Arabia as its biggest pipeline for growth.
Local insurers have “more skin in the game” due to the hard market for reinsurance.
Chief executive of Trust Re explains the reinsurer plans to restore it’s former rated A-rated status, putting an end to temporary fronting arrangements while its shareholding issue is resolved.
Onshore and offshore construction, M&A and financial lines are the top priorities for the reinsurance broker’s Middle East hub, Nadim Semaan told GR at GAIF34.
Global tensions are rising, but risk perceptions are in the eye of the beholder. Zurich’s John Scott discussed the big picture with Global Reinsurance.
It’s one thing to lead an insurance federation during a period of small, incremental change. But the role is different when the regional industry is undergoing a broad and deepening transformation.
David Flandro, head of industry analysis and strategic advisory, Howden Tiger, spoke to GR about the reinsurance broker’s view of where the market is heading after its most recent 1/1 renewal.