A market survey conducted on behalf of the Qatar Financial Centre Authority
We are pleased to present the second edition of the GCC Reinsurance Barometer, a bi-annual market survey launched in March 2011. The publication builds on the inaugural edition in terms of
providing a systematic overview of the current state and near-term prospects of the US$6 billion GCC reinsurance markets and the region’s economic fundamentals and outlook.
Over time, the bi-annual readings of the Barometer will contribute to significantly enhancing the transparency of the GCC reinsurance market place and provide market participants, ie reinsurers, insurers and brokers, with an additional benchmark for decisionmaking. The results of our second survey have already identified significant shifts in expectations, as the impact
of global trends and rising demand in the region leads to firmer pricing.
This most recent edition of the Barometer is set to be of particular interest as it explicitly covers two important topical issues, the implications of an extraordinary string of insured catastrophe losses in Asia and the US since the beginning of the year and the ramifications of the political volatility in parts of the MENA region. We hope you will enjoy reading and benefit from the
findings of our 2nd GCC Reinsurance Barometer.
Shashank Srivastava, Acting CEO
Qatar Financial Centre Authority
The GCC Reinsurance Barometer
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